fredag den 20. september 2013

The Nox project.

this page is made of frustrations, sweat, blood and tears.

A collab project I started on in the beginning of 2013, along with the lovely Olivia Hörtin. A bigger project meant to be a scifi fantasy mixed webcomic about a vampire and a human with odd mutated gene stuff and what not. The basic concept of the story is that a lot of people want to kill them and they have to survive, since it sucks being dead.
The project is on hold for now though.
The pages you see here are sketched and (the first one) coloured by me. Lineart by Olivia Hörtin. Her art blog is to be found here
work in progress

torsdag den 19. september 2013

tirsdag den 17. september 2013

World creating

Last week our guest teacher was Thomas Thorhauge, giving our lectures while our first week of world creating started. We started up by crating an enviroment each of us, before we then ended up having to switch ideas, and create a story based on the new world setting we then got.
Last week was rather calm, and we even got free comics, one of the guest teacher's work called Kom hjem (Come home), thanks Thomas Thorhauge. You can find his blog here, though it is in danish; something in english about the dude.

(first enviroment creation, and characters made for the new one i got instead.)

First finished comic

In the second week with Paul Karasik, our first big assignment was to do a finished 12-page comic in black and white. The different stories of ours had to be something in our lives that had actually happened. A biographical piece of shortstory so to say. And with this task a lot of the students here in GS ended up dealing with a lot of personal and tough stories, not making the task easy in any way.

I apologize for possible spelling or gramma mistakes, as there might be less edits on these pages than the actual printed version. But it should give you a pretty good idea of what my assignment ended up looking like. Just by working on this, I learned a lot too, and I have realized that I should work hard on my hand lettering.
I should also work on how to show off my work in this blog. Maybe code a slideshow or something like that. Who knows.

The Start.

At the first two weeks of this first semester of Graphic Storytelling, we had Paul Karasik as guest teacher, the guy behind City of Glass: The Graphic Novel, and other stuff like that. The worst week was mostly lectures about the basics of comics, and we all finished the last panel of two old Nancy strips, and did a wordless turturial of how to do stuff. My tutorial being about how to wash hands.
I'd say I learned quite a lot even in such a short time, and realized a lot of stuff regarding comics, that I never quite have thought about before.