tirsdag den 17. september 2013

First finished comic

In the second week with Paul Karasik, our first big assignment was to do a finished 12-page comic in black and white. The different stories of ours had to be something in our lives that had actually happened. A biographical piece of shortstory so to say. And with this task a lot of the students here in GS ended up dealing with a lot of personal and tough stories, not making the task easy in any way.

I apologize for possible spelling or gramma mistakes, as there might be less edits on these pages than the actual printed version. But it should give you a pretty good idea of what my assignment ended up looking like. Just by working on this, I learned a lot too, and I have realized that I should work hard on my hand lettering.
I should also work on how to show off my work in this blog. Maybe code a slideshow or something like that. Who knows.

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